Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00


Portsmouth’s Blue Reef Aquarium is holding a weekend of special talks, feeds and themed activities to celebrate the very best of Brit-fish (November 19th-20th).
The Southsea attraction will be celebrating our brilliant British marine life and inviting visitors to find out all about the amazing sea life that lives on our doorstep.
The aquarium will be staging daily talks, regular rockpool encounters and mini Brit-Fish tours daily throughout the weekend.
Visitors will also be given a quiz on entry and correct sheets will be placed into a prize draw to win a family ticket.
Blue Reef’s Hannah Butt said: “Far too often we overlook the amazing marine life that is on our doorstep in favour of so-called exotic species.
“British waters are amongst the richest and most diverse marine habitats to be found anywhere in the world with everything from seahorses, sharks and stingrays to sea turtles, whales and dolphins living in our oceans.
“Our seas are home to literally thousands of different species, representing every major animal group we thought that this half term was the perfect opportunity for us to start recognising our local heroes,” she added.
UK waters are teeming with a wealth of extraordinary marine life which is the equal to anywhere in the world.
There are stunning corals, brightly-coloured fish and some real giants of the deep – including the second largest shark species.
• Portsmouth’s Blue Reef Aquarium, Clarence Esplanade, Southsea. For full details and timings for specific events and activities visit or call 02392 875222.
Issued by the Blue Reef Aquarium. For more details or to arrange interviews or picture opportunities please call Hannah Butt on 02392 875222.

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