Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00


Visitors to Portsmouth’s Blue Reef Aquarium are being invited to meet their deadliest denizens of the deep over the half term break (February 18th-26th).
‘Toxic Ten’ showcases a host of creepy creatures ranging from lethal lionfish and petrifying pufferfish to creepy crested horn sharks and petrifying poison dart frogs.
Other feature creatures include stingrays, anemones, cowfish and foxfaced rabbit fish.
There will be toxic creature encounters taking place every day plus self-guided tours around the displays.
There will be special bug handling sessions with Martin Rapley, AKA ‘The Bugman’, on Tuesday and Thursday where visitors can get to grips with a selection of creepy crawlies,
“The aquarium is home to a wide selection of potentially deadly creatures from around the world,” said Blue Reef Aquarium’s Hannah Butt.
“Toxic Ten gives visitors the opportunity to discover more about these dangerous animals and their fascinating lives.
“The daily talks and encounter sessions also enable our staff to talk about the threats many of them face in the wild and what we can all do to help conserve wildlife both globally and locally,” she added.
From the hidden world of UK waters, Blue Reef, Portsmouth transports visitors to the spectacular ‘underwater gardens’ of the Mediterranean and the stunning beauty of tropical waters – home to everything from seahorses and puffer fish to living corals and tropical sharks.
At the aquarium’s heart is a giant tropical ocean tank where an underwater walkthrough tunnel offers incredibly close encounters with a huge range of exotic coral reef species.
More than 40 naturally-themed displays reveal the sheer variety of life in the deep from native sharks and rays to the cute otters and colourful reptiles and amphibians.
• ‘Toxic Ten’ is on daily from February 18th – 26th at Portsmouth Blue Reef Aquarium, Clarence Esplanade, Southsea. For more information visit or find us on Facebook.
Issued by Blue Reef. For more information please contact Hannah Butt or Jenna MacFarlane on 02392 875 222

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