Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

What can you do to help protect our marine environments?

What can you do to help protect our marine environments?

Blue Reef Aquarium Portsmouth strives to help the environment, and we encourage all of our visitors to do the same. Take on board our top tips below, and don’t forget you can always get in touch for more advice on how you can help.
Reduce your carbon footprint!
Reduce your energy consumption, insulate your house, use public transport, drive fuel efficient vehicles, buy locally sourced organic food, avoid air travel, use renewable energy.
Clean up after yourself
Whether you are having a picnic  or simply enjoying the beach, lake, or river. Everything eventually makes its way to the sea. A plastic bag can be easily mistaken as a tasty jellyfish by sea turtles. You can help protect marine life by picking up rubbish – wherever you are.
Choose sustainable harvested sea food
Check out the Marine Conservation Society Good Fish Guide on what fish to choose and what to avoid:
Provide a good environment for wildlife
All healthy habitats need four basic elements: food, water, shelter and places to raise young. So you could plant native trees and flowers, put up bird houses, baths and feeders.
Be a good pet owner
Make sure that they only stock net caught, cyanide free fish.  If they cannot prove they have been gathered in a sustainable way then don’t buy them. Consider adopting a pet from a local animal shelter or rescue organisation before going to a commercial pet shop. Always spay your dog or cat.
Hands off
Never try to touch stingrays or other ocean animals. By being respectful of their lives and homes, you’ll help protect their populations for the future.
Plant a tree
Not only do trees provide benefits to us humans, they’re home to countless birds, mammals,  amphibians and insects. So visit your local tree nursery and start digging!
 Recycle, Recycle, Recycle!
Recycle as much as possible! 80% of household waste is actually recyclable.
Try to buy things that come in recycled packaging, or with as little packaging as possible.
Reuse your shopping bags and try to buy recycled paper and products. Try to look for products that look after the environment for example: organic foods, locally grown foods, Fair Trade products.
Every living thing needs water to survive. But this precious resource is in demand. A family of four can save up to 5000 litres of water a month by keeping their showers under five minutes. Amount saved by turning off the tap while brushing teeth is 3600 litres  a month. Use less and use wisely!
Learn and explore
Learn as much as you can about animals by visiting accredited zoos and aquariums, reading, watching documentaries and surfing the web. Walk on the beach, go rockpooling, climb a mountain – go out and explore!

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