Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

How to Create Your Own Bug House

Are you ready to make a cozy home for some of the coolest creatures in the world? We’re talking about bugs! In this blog post, we’ll show you how to create your very own bug house that’ll be perfect for some of nature’s tiniest residents. It’s super fun, easy, and guess what? You can even … Continued

9 Animals with Spooky Names

The sea is full of spooky creatures, with the deep, dark depths showcasing some of the most eye-catching creatures on the planet from goblin sharks to anglerfish. Today, though, we’re going to take a look at animals that might not look so creepy, but they certainly have spooky names straight from a horror movie! This … Continued

What is an Iguana? 7 Interesting Facts!

Reptiles date back over 300 million years, with extinct ancestors such as the cotylosaurs looking remarkably similar to reptiles you might find today. Their extensive history means they’re incredibly diverse and widespread, inhabiting every continent except the freezing-cold Antarctica. From turtles to snakes, crocodiles to geckos, reptiles are fascinating creatures with a range of unique … Continued

What is an Axolotl and Why Are They Endangered?

In this guide, we’ll be filling you in on the remarkable axolotl, from its amazing genetics to where it’s found in the wild. We’ll also be taking a look at why its numbers are in such sharp decline, and what impact its disappearance could have for us all.

Everything You Need to Know About Snapping Turtles

The animal kingdom is home to a wealth of fascinating creatures, some of which have been around for millions of years. Turtles, for example, are thought to have originated over 200 million years ago. While some of the turtle species have become extinct during that time, there are many species still alive, including one of … Continued

Do You Know Your Poisonous Sea Creatures?

Although there are plenty of peaceful creatures floating around and minding their own business in our seas, there are still lots of others that can be dangerous to other creatures, and even humans. Many sea creatures have developed defence mechanisms to keep themselves safe in hostile waters. From octopuses with stinging tentacles to fish with … Continued

The Ocean’s Most Interesting Hunters

The oceans of the world are home to so many different sea creatures, all of whom have their own unique behaviours and habits. What’s more, many of these animals spend their time either searching for their next meal, or avoiding being another animal’s next snack! This can make for a very interesting place for us … Continued

Why Can’t Saltwater Fish Live in Freshwater?

It’s strange to think that fish can’t just cope in any water, and that different species need a specific environment to thrive. After all, water is just water, right? So why is there such a big distinction between freshwater and saltwater species? As perplexing as this topic may be, the type of water can make … Continued

The Anatomy of Seahorses

Tiny and named after the shape of their head, seahorses are in fact still a fish, but they are incredibly different from any other fish out there! Found in both tropical and temperate waters around the world, the seahorse (Hippocampus) may breathe through gills and have a swim bladder like many other species, but their … Continued

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