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Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

Commonly found in shallow waters, usually attached to rocks, Snakelock Anemones (Anemonia sulcata) are fascinating creatures that form the classic backdrop of the rockpools we know and love. They are commonly found in the Mediterranean, but they also feature closer to home on the west of England and in the English Channel.

How to Identify a Snakelock Anemone

Snakelock Anemones have the classic anemone look, making them rather distinctive when you stumble across them in rockpools. However, in order to correctly identify a Snakelock Anemone, you need to look a little closer. Separated into two parts, the main ‘body’ of the anemone is distinguishable by its pale grey/brown colour and its tentacles stand out in a bright green colour with the tips a shade of purple.

Snakelock Anemone Interesting Facts

The deep green colour of the Snakelock Anemone’s tentacles is often thought to be due to the algae they produce, but it is actually due to a green fluorescent protein. This is the same protein that is present in coral, sea anemones, and some other cnidarians.

The reason Snakelock Anemones are commonly found in shallow water is due to the process they go through to generate ‘food’. They generate algae through photosynthesis, meaning being located where the sun exposure is at a maximum makes all the difference. Anemones with low algae counts are typically duller in colour. 

Several species live in a symbiotic or commensal relationship with snakelock anemones, who provide shelter from predators when they nestle in between their venomous tentacles.


Cnidarians – Anemone

What do they eat?

Algae & Plankton


Average width is 8cm, Tentacles up to 15cm

Water Type

Rockpools & shallow waters in sunlight

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