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An aquarist at Blue Reef Aquarium in Newquay is aiming not to speak for an entire day next month to raise money for a local animal rescue centre.
Jenny Youngs, who plans to wear a sign around her neck and carry a notepad and pen to help her communicate, is hoping visitors will support her efforts when she takes the temporary vow of silence on Wednesday, February 18th.

Aquarist To Take Sponsored Silence For Dogs’ Charity

Six months ago she adopted a dog called Louis from the Last Chance Hotel and now wants to do her bit to help the centre.
“I don’t like being silent. Ever. However this charity is close to my heart and they survive on donations alone, so I’m hoping my silence will raise some much needed funds,” said Jenny.
“They take in dogs that are in desperate need of homes and are effectively on death row because the pounds are too full to keep them. Last year alone, their vet bill was over £32,000.
“Louis was an abuse case, locked in a room sat in his own mess because his owners didn’t want him anymore.
“His owner took him to the vet and asked them to put him down because they didn’t want him anymore.
“Luckily the vet refused and contacted Last Chance Hotel, who took him in to their care and got him into a foster home, I then took him on six months later.
“He’s had some behavioural issues thanks to his past, which we are working on and he is slowly improving.
“Towan Beach is a popular spot for dog walkers and I am hoping they will join visitors to help support the work they do,” she added.
The Last Chance Hotel is based in Cornwall and works to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home abused and neglected animals.
They take in dogs of any kind, ones that other rescue centres cannot take, including ex-bait and ex-fight dogs, the sick, the aged and the terminally ill.
The dogs are then either rehabilitated and go to new homes or remain at the hotel for life. No animal is ever destroyed because they cannot be homed.
They are always looking for long and short term fosterers, as well as new loving permanent homes.
To find out more about Jenny’s challenge or to donate visit or text “SHHH57”, followed by the amount you wish to donate (eg: £2) to 70070.
Issued by Blue Reef Aquarium. For more information please contact Jenny Youngs or Steve Matchett on 01637 878134.

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