OPEN NOW! 10:00 – 17:00

Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00


Fire shrimp (2)Shore crab in hand (1500x1025)Common lobster 2
Visitors to Newquay’s Blue Reef Aquarium will be able to enjoy close encounters with weird and wonderful crabs and lobsters from around the world as part of their ‘Claws Trail’ which runs until Friday, December 16th.
From comical cleaner shrimps and bizarre-looking sponge crabs to giant lobsters and horseshoe crabs this exciting event offers a fascinating insight into the incredible world of crustaceans.
Blue Reef is home to more than 10 species of crustaceans ranging from native crabs and lobsters to exotic tropical species like the mantis shrimp.
Blue Reef’s Melissa Hallam said: “Our crabs and lobsters are always extremely popular with visitors and the ‘Claws Trail’ provides the perfect opportunity to let people find out more about crustaceans in general.
“Other species on display include decorator crabs, shore crabs, our hardworking cleaner shrimps, mantis shrimp, dancer shrimps and even our horseshoe crabs – which are actually more closely related to spiders!” she added.
As well as regular talks, activities and meet the creatures sessions throughout the day, visitors can also test their ‘claws’ knowledge with the challenge of matching up some incredible crab and lobster facts to the correct species.
There’s also the chance to win a cuddly Blue Reef crab for successfully completing the trail.
Crustaceans are jointed-legged animals whose bodies are usually covered with a hard exoskeleton – Crabs, lobsters, shrimps and prawns are all crustaceans.
Their size ranges from tiny creatures that could fit on a pinhead to true giants of the deep with three-metre claw spans.
Issued by Blue Reef Aquarium. For more information please contact Melissa Hallam or Steve Matchett on 01637 878134.

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