Last week, Omiros, our rescue Loggerhead Sea Turtle, (Caretta caretta), had his bi-annual vet visit.

Rescued off the coast of Greece in 2007, the 40 plus year old turtle has been living with us at Blue Reef Aquarium Newquay since 2009. It’s important for Omiros to have regular health checks so we know he’s healthy.
Before opening our doors to the public, the team of aquarists had attached a custom-made turtle carrier to a hoist above the display, so they could get Omiros safely out of the tank. General Manager/Group Curator Steve Matchett and Deputy Manager/Assistant Curator Lara Heaney headed up a group of aquarists who assisted in the vet visit.
We were joined by Dr. Bryony Chetwynd-Glover, our vet from London Aquatic Veterinary Services who helped the team. Bryony performed a full health check which included taking bloods for routine laboratory analysis.
Words from the team
Steve Matchett, said: “As part of Omiros’ ongoing health care programme, he was removed from the display for a thorough examination by our vet and blood is taken to ensure there are no internal issues that can’t be spotted externally day to day by staff.”
“He is a huge favourite with both staff and visitors, and we are privileged to be able to host him here at the aquarium.” Steve added.

Loggerhead turtles are named for their overly large heads with heavy, strong jaws that allow them to crush hard-shelled prey. Omiros was found with a fishhook wounding one eye and damage to his other eye, eventually leading to blindness in both eyes. He wouldn’t be able to survive in the wild on his own, so he lives here at Blue Reef Aquarium Newquay and is cared for by our team of dedicated aquarists.
Omiros is target fed so he gets his daily meals, and he touches the sides of the ocean tank so he can feel his way around.
For images, videos and interviews please contact Molly Shutt, Marketing Assistant on or call 01637 878 134.